Ever growing work

God is so good and faithful to the visions and dreams He places in our hearts! As this year started I really had no idea how we were going to expand the IT side of our ministry here. 

But then March rolled around and I got a request from a foundation in Chiang Mai to help design and install the network for their new ministry center right opposite 2 major universities. This ministry center houses 4 floors of ministry opportunities. Bottom floor is a coffee shop with a crazy slide coming down from the second floor. This coffee shop is their open door to university students. The second floor houses office space for the foundation and a meeting room. Third floor is a game room with more meeting room space. The fourth floor is a bigger meeting room as well as some small guest housing. All these different areas needed access to high speed wifi as they are planning to run many events with large numbers of participants as they reach out to the university students of Chiang Mai.

The next opportunity came around in May when I got a call from a rather large foundation in Chiang Rai asking if I’d be willing to take on their IT seeing as their current IT guy would be leaving pretty soon. Of course I said yes to that because I’ve known this ministry and their leaders for around 15 years now going back to the days when I was studying at the international school here in Chiang Rai. This foundation has many different goals and projects they run among which are a children’s home, a bible seminary, a media ministry, and a church. As you can imagine their property is quite large and their IT infrastructure is as well but it also has not kept up with the times. This means that for the next few months I will be spending a significant amount of time there to get everything up to modern standards and to a point where they won’t need as much IT support as they do now.

All in all, God is constantly teaching us to trust in His timing and believe that as we step out in faith in the ministry He has called us to that He will also keep providing opportunities for us to serve Him and that He will also continue to provide for our needs.


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