Serving together in Thailand

So what is it exactly you do there?

We are serving the Thai people and the missionaries who serve them. We believe that God has called us to serve Him by reaching out to Thai people and walking alongside them in their journey with Jesus or in their search for meaning.

Pim has taken a position with a local church that has a real heart for reaching Thai people. She does a lot of admin and translation work as well as spend a lot of time with the young people in the church, mentoring and building them up. She also does activities with local projects and helps gather information to send back to supporters of those projects.

Chester also volunteers with the church regularly with the tech side of things. He also works for a Christian International School as well as many different organizations, projects, foundations, and missionaries with all their tech related issues and projects.

"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."

Recent News

And it just keeps growing

As I mentioned in the previous post, we had no idea how our ministry would expand this year. But it is growing fast. Over the past months I’ve had many requests for help with various websites for a number of foundations and ministries. These requests ranged from building new websites, overhauling old ones, as well

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Ever growing work

God is so good and faithful to the visions and dreams He places in our hearts! As this year started I really had no idea how we were going to expand the IT side of our ministry here.  But then March rolled around and I got a request from a foundation in Chiang Mai to

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What do you do with excess resources?

My work at CRICS (the international school) has always been interesting and varied. Projects always popup that require my attention but they’re always something different. This past school year we came to the realization that as a school we produce quite a lot of e-waste, old electronics that we as a school can no longer

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