So a few months back I wrote about a new network for BIFA. Well, they came back for part 2. Since the last post they have built a new building that also needed wifi as well as security cameras. This new building is made up of 3 stories, the first level will house a kitchen, laundry, office space, as well as a dorm for guests. The second level will be staff housing and the third level will be another guest dorm as well as rooms for individual guests and families. So I designed the expansion of the system and over the course of several months we installed this expansion.

And it just keeps growing
As I mentioned in the previous post, we had no idea how our ministry would expand this year. But it is growing fast. Over the past months I’ve had many requests for help with various websites for a number of foundations and ministries. These requests ranged from building new websites, overhauling old ones, as well